Sunday, October 15, 2006


Hey everyone! I've been quite busy in skool so I haven't really had time to blog. Yesterday we had socials and it was half crap- half alrite, we were actually dancing to YMCA I mean... but it was quite fun watching all the drunk people perform. There was this particular girl, her boyfriend broke up with her like 2 weeks ago because she slept with another guy when she was drunk. Anyways, so yesterday, the girl now got drunk and started begging the boyfiend to dance with her, he refused cuz as at now he hates her, then she started shouting and punching the guy and begging at the same time. As if that was not enough madness for one night, she pulled off her top on the dance floor. I just couldn't help laughing!
Nyways, I've been seeing the reviews on the Thisday show and I'm so sad I wasn't in Naija for it but it's not like if I was in Naija I would have gotten the 25k to pay but at least I would have felt their effect more.
Thanks for the comments on my last post, though I can't publish them on my blog something was wrong but I've fixed it now for future comments.
Last week, we had to write on somebody we admired, dead or alive, that had affected the society in a good way, singers, politicians whatever and present it to the class.I didn't get to give the presentation but I was gonna talk about Bono. I think he's really wonderful. I'm not so into his music (although its really good) but I think what he's done with the live8 thing is amazing. He's so selfless and very determined to help these poor countries have a better life and he's done it not just by asking for donations and all that but through his talent music.
So if you guys had to write on the same topic, who would you write about and why? I would like to know!thanks
That's all folks till next time. Hasta la bista!