Sunday, September 28, 2008


Okay, its been a whillle! I've been quite busy what with getting ready for uni and settling in and freshers week madness. NOw thats's all done with I'm ready to resume my sporadic cuz lets be honest I've never been a frequent blogger. But maybe now that I have internet connection on my laptop in my room instead of having to use a public computer, I'll be better.

Uni's been good so far..first few days were shiite tho. Haven't been out that much which is suprising to me infact cuz I thought by now I would have rocked every club round here... I've been hyped bout freshers week for ages and it just dissapointed a lot but I guess thats just a personal dissapointment cuz the peeps in my hall seem to be having a great time. Shame we're not getting along that well.

Met loooaads of people this week and I've been side-eyeing a lot of eye candy, one eye candy in particular ;-). Also been seeing alot of familiar faces....

My minds a bit disorganised at the moment , so is my room and a few other things right now so forgive me if this post is a bit distant and ramblish...actually I always ramble but today I'm just not on top of to peruse other blogs..

chocolate hearts

Monday, September 01, 2008

Its 2:30am and all of a sudden I feel like blogging. My mums just yelled for me to go to bed as we have to make an early start tomorrow, I should go to bed but I won't just yet because I finally have the laptop to myself. If I leave it to tommorow I'll never get round to blogging and i promised I'll be back soon so, here I am!! See how much I love you guys! Sacrifing my beauty sleep for you!!

Did my rounds on blogsville and tintin boy's back!! It's a cool blog and it would have been a shame to loose that one. Also, Ladi's been thinking big about the future and she's made me think I need to start planning my own business too mehn! Cuz really it can never be too early to start making money..abi what do you think?

Was watching Bisi Olatilo show today and I saw the randomest event.....Some fundraising thing for Obama In Nigeria. How ridiculous! Did he come to beg them for money?? Nigeria that needs fundraising for itself is now going to do stuff for a political candidate in America. Did they ever hear him in any of his speeches mention Nigeria?? So what is the point? Joblessness!..when there are so many other causes and problems that they could have helped instead! Mschewww!

Pls don't mind my jumping randomness from topic to topic, I'm in that mood. Went to this party the other day with mumsi and some other relatives and this old man (well, he wasn't that old but too old for me) was all over me! It was even a one year old party can you imagine?! I kept trying to run away from the dude and I thought I succeded. Only for me to get home and have the guy call me on my phone!! The sly guy got my number from a betrayer relative. Gosh! I was so annoyed and now I have to get the guy off my case. Mscheww! not happy! I'm sure you guy are wondering why I've been "mschew-ing" about the place. I just learnt the internet way of hissing! and since I'm not a great teeth kisser in real life, i might as well make full use of my cyber Allow me jare!

Need to go to bed now...