My mind is going through a dejunking process right now. This is because lately my thoughts have been filled with so many things. There always so many emotions, memories, plans, worries going through my head. And now I'm almost drowning in them and I barely have space to think about other things. Since my thoughts were so clouded, I couldn't think straight when it came to important things like God, school and all the other things i was supposed to be thinking about. I just couldn't get my priorities straight. I really miss those days when i didn't think about anything, when I never had trouble sleeping because my head was brimming with thoughts , I only thought when I needed to say something or I was trying to remember stuff during exams or when I had to call the coming week's hairstyle. So I decided I was going to stop thinking. But how can I? So I decided I was just gonna reduce the things I thought about and clear my mind to give it enough space to think clearly about the things I ought to. So my main prorities are
1.God,establishing and maintaining a relationship with him
2. School, to continue to learn everything that i can and excel in this area
3. Myself, taking care of myself and making sure I always keep a clear head to be able to plan for my future
Mostly, i just want to live life to my satisfaction and get the best out of it so that I don't have any regrets later and I can't do this without a clear head. If I keep thinking about things I want to do but never do them, my thoughts are just a waste of time. It's better to go out and do them rather than just thinking about it. Moreover, if I think too much I will just kill myself and believe me, I'm not ready to die. So here's to a long life with a clear head!